path: root/service/auth.go
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-02-09Add poll supportr
2020-02-08Add account muting and blockingr
2020-02-02Add status deletionr
2020-02-02Add conversation mutingr
2020-02-01Use vendored dependenciesr
2020-01-31Update user pager
2020-01-30Add user search pager
2020-01-28Refactor everythingr
2020-01-26Add CSRF protectionr
2020-01-14Refactor renderer and templatesr
2020-01-08Add fluoride moder
2020-01-01Rename package to bloatr
2019-12-29Add following and followers pager
2019-12-27Add settings pager
2019-12-26Add search pager
2019-12-26Add post format selectionr
2019-12-26Add liked by and retweeted by pager
2019-12-25Add local and twkn timelinesr
2019-12-22Add emojis pager
2019-12-22Add nsfw checkbox for postsr
2019-12-21Add support for scopesr
2019-12-21Use a custom client for settingsr
2019-12-21Add about pager
2019-12-20Add user page and follow/unfollow callsr
2019-12-17Use filesystem based kv store instead of sqliter
2019-12-15Add notification supportr
2019-12-14Add attachments supportr
2019-12-14Focus relevant status on like, retweet and replyr
2019-12-13Initial commitr