path: root/templates/thread.tmpl
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-01-27Add refresh button on timeline pager
2021-04-03Add refresh button on thread pager
2020-02-18Add frame based navigationr
2020-01-14Refactor renderer and templatesr
2019-12-25Update header template and add option for custom cssr
2019-12-21Add support for scopesr
- Add scope selection for for new post - Save new post scope in db - Copy scope on reply - Show scope icon on posts
2019-12-21Use a single form for new posts and repliesr
2019-12-19Improve css for mobile devicesr
2019-12-19Fix reply templater
2019-12-18Add reply links on thread pager
2019-12-15Add notification supportr
2019-12-14Add attachments supportr
2019-12-13Use account mentions as default text in repliesr
2019-12-13Update page title and add navigation linksr
2019-12-13Initial commitr